Friday, July 27, 2018

Your Exit Strategy

Your exit strategy

I would like to keep the non profit for decades, and happily retire at 65 years old. I think at this point I will be pretty satisfied with what the organization has accomplished. Also, I would like to save some time in my life to travel the world.  

I chose this exit strategy because I am very passionate  about this cause, and I would like it to have the greatest effect on the world. There are visually impaired individuals throughout the world who believe that they are not capable of anything, and my goal is to change that. 


I believe that my exit strategy has definitely influenced some of the decisions  I made. One example would be my  decision  to expand the non profit throughout the united states, and other parts of the world. I also decided to bring in long term mentors for the clients, which means I would be committed long term, because of relationships that were created.        


  1. Hey Austin! I like your exit strategy. It’s good to hear someone so dedicated. I can tell your Non-profit idea is one of those that has potential lasting value. There will always be visually impaired people, so you guys will always have people in need of the resources your business could provide. I like how you created your non-profit business idea with the exit strategy in mind, this shows you’re focused on long term results.

  2. Hey Austin, in your last post you wrote about how the author thinks "goals are for losers." I see in this post though, that you have a goal of your own for your company. I think you have a great idea going here and I think you can impact a lot of peoples lives with your service. I still do not think goals are for losers and I would like to hear your take on it. Great job and good luck on the rest to come.

  3. Hey Austin! You have definitely selected an important yet underrepresented portion of the economy. Because of your passion and your experience in the world without the use of your eyes, you are in a very unique position to advocate for those in similar positions as yourself. You know this already, and I am sure I am just preaching to the choir so I won't drone on. I wish you the best of luck in your venture, and just want to remind you to not give up in the face of adversity. No matter what business one pursues, there will always be naysayers. If it were easy, everyone would do it.
